Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hey Mr. Bible Thumper
I know I'm going to hell
No need to shout it
Spraying a shot of saliva in my face
Hey Mr. Bible Thumper
Do you think Jesus would approve
Of you pushing me down
Just because of your assumptions
About my life?
Hey Mr. Bible Thumper
Do you think you're God
That you're the almighty
That you can judge if I'm good or evil
Right or wrong?
You shout with your signs raised high
Those signs with racial slurs
Prejudice remarks
If we're all God's children
What makes you think you're better than me?
Hey Mr. Bible Thumper
Just practice what you preach
What would Jesus do?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


They say they will change the world
Make peace
In the middle east
Make peace in a land
War torn since the beginning of man
Give equal rights to all
As long as you're a white male
With the green
With no disabilities
Who likes women
And God and Jesus
No homos allowed
No women in power
No healthcare
No non-Christians
No liberal thinking
No open-minds
The rich get richer
And the poor and poorer
No research for cancer
No help for Africa
Just America
Or so they say to the reporters
Take care of our own
As long as they are
Straight, Rich, Christian, White Males

Monday, April 21, 2008


The smell of the air is just like the taste of a green potato chip

Dogs trot down the street, smiling at every passerby

Friendly hands raise to greet eachother

To greet the season

It is spring


I wish to go back to those dandelion dreams
Make a wish as you blow away the dead
Childhood blown away as quickly and easily as those gray particles
Floating off down the river of dreams
Only for new dreams to sprout on the the banks of the murky water

Friday, April 18, 2008


Fate comes so slowly

Takes its sweet time

But when it finally gets there

It can be so sublime

To know this is the only way

Just how it was supposed to be

This what we were meant for

You can open your eyes and see

All the obstacles we went through

All the trouble we had to overcome

Was just to make us stronger

Even stronger than some

Helps us to comprehend

We're not in control

Our path is already planned

This just our role

We are mere players

In life's sweet game

We're just another character

Just another name

But all equally important

To help fate go as planned

But whoever is up there

Didn't make fate to understand

Monday, April 14, 2008


If I were to tell you how I honestly felt, you would probably run away screaming, but perhaps, you would stay and take it all in, tell me you were flattered, pat my shoulder and walk away. Either one would be a blow to my ego, to my heart, to get rejected once again. You think I'd be numb to the pain but it stings just as strongly as it did that first time, so long ago. To have my love pushed aside, labeled another crush. To be treated as if I was a child who doesn't know the joy and pain of love, but I do, and all too well. If I were to tell you how I honestly felt, could you just tell me a the tiniest, sweetest lie, that may give me a glimmer of hope?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I wish I was there
To hold you in my arms
And assure you you were strong enough to live
I wish I could've been there, to shield you from bullets
To try and prevent as much pain as possible
To take your dark face in my hands
Stare into your eyes
And tell you, "you are safe"
I wish I could create peace as easily as hate is created
But I am no God
I am a mere mortal
Who wishes they could do more
For the world
For Africa
For Sudan
For Achak, Dominic, Valentino Deng