Wednesday, February 17, 2010


My name escapes your mind
Lost, lost in thoughts of years that you can no longer determine
To my father, which is this son? Or is it my beloved?
Gone for twenty years
Gone, gone like the childhood of a single girl
A daughter burdened by a mother gone mad
Burying a baby deep in the Earth
Trying to drown the life, a life fleeting until saved
Insanity, at least for a moment
Troubled, troubled a life that confused seconds with decades
One minute you're middle-aged the next a mere child
No older than the son on your lap
Rage envelopes the love that the heart should feel
And did just momments ago
Lost, lost in thoughts of years deceased
Years passed, years surrendered to a mind that has lost the nimbleness
The hands are still sharp but the mind, the mind...
I see a glint in those eyes and it makes me think
Maybe you're there somewhere... maybe you're sharper, brighter than you seem
Is it all an act? A facade? A hoax?
Then the glint is gone and we leave the nursing home

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Memories in the faces, each wrinkle on each cheek
Spirits that were once strong that somehow became weak
Hearts that were once full became empty with each tear
An unbreakable ounce of love gets shattered just by fear
Common blood running through veins pulsing under skin
Hearts and egos settle with a loss, too humble to just win
Their struggle is their battle and their battle is their life
Their motto: there can be no enjoyment without there being strife
Too modest to claim victory, too proud to concede
Too unselfish to realize just what their lives might need
A hungry child’s mouth open wide in wait for some bread
A man who’ll work every day of his life until he’s good and dead
We’ve lost that gene somewhere from generations that have passed
As technology took over the land we knew hard work wouldn’t last
So we type away click-click-click, until our fingers become sore
How soon that we forget the labored lives of family yore

Monday, February 8, 2010


You blink your eyes and the world changes
No one notices the second that has passed
A breath, your last breath is inhaled
And no one notices it was your last