Monday, March 31, 2008
I have been called
A spick *because I have dark hair*
A dike *because I'm a feminist*
A dirty Jew *because I read about Judaism*
A Canuck *because I'm French Canadian*
A nigger lover *because I'm not racist*
An extremist *because I speak my mind*
A terrorist *because I don't support the war*
An anti-American *because I don't support the president*
A hippie *because I don't hate*
A Nazi *because I have German blood in me*
An atheist *because I have questioned my faith*
What do I call these people?
Mean spirited
But I also call them human
Because to human is to err
Human is to judge
Human is to not trust outsiders
We are all fallible
We are all mortal
We are all wrong
We are all right
We are human
So next time you want to call me
Spick, dike, dirty Jew, Canuck, nigger lover, extremist, terrorist, anti-American, hippie, Nazi, atheist
Just call me human
Just like you
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I didn't smoke for long. I forget, now, why I even started. I think to just find out what the hype was about. Most of my friends smoked and it was at a time when my mother started up again. I asked my mom if I could take one tiny drag off of hers. I had asked this many times but had never followed through with it, hence why she willingly handed it over to me. To her surprise, and to somewhat of my own, I took a drag, making sure not to inhale. My mom looked at me in a mix of horror and amazement. She said, "See, it's gross, isn't it?" I shook my head disagreeably and said I actually liked it. I continued to smoke the remaining cigarette. After that, I snuck around, buying a pack here or there and eventually being able to inhale. Soon enough, I was caught, and although I am twenty years old, I still felt like a child getting caught stealing a dollar bill out of their mother's purse. My mom was disappointed but she didn't really lecture me. I only smoked for about a month and only quit because my aunt and cousin pleaded with me to. I still crave the nicotine but I haven't smoked once since I decided to quit. I watch people smoking and just want to ask to bum one off of them, but I resist the urge and carry on with my day.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Will you excuse me
While I exit from the room?
I must go to my place
To take care of my dirty deeds
My obsession
My addiction
My adrenaline pumps immediately
Blood rushing
Sweet euphoria
Embrace me
Take me to your garden of Eden
As I taste the forbidden fruits
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
My patience breaks
And my body shakes
With pure disgust
To even look at you
Or in your general direction
Makes me nauseous
My last nerve bends
And snaps with the opening of your mouth
And your squeaky voice comes out
Irritating girl
Chills run through my body
As I realize
You're still talking
Droning on and bitching about this or that
And bragging of your stupidity
Its girls like you
That let women be degraded
Excuse me while I bust my eardrum
Just to relieve myself of your voice
No longer to endure your complaining
Let me just take care of these eyes
Withough being barraged by
What's wrongs
Are you okays?
Can't I just have
A bad day?
Can't I just be moody
Instead of depressed?
Do I have to have clown's smile
Painted on my face
To appease the masses
That prescribed my meds?
Can't I be angry?
With you
With society
Without being labeled
As bipolar?
I'm not bipolar
I'm just in foul mood
Excuse me while I go mad
Monday, March 3, 2008
Directs you to nowhere
An eternal emptiness
An early grave
If you're lucky
Your lack of ambition
Makes you unworthy
Of taking in valuable breaths
Breaths that someone
With hopes
Could inhale to enlongate their lives
While yours is wasted
Rolling the paper
And sweeping the broken glass in black bags
Of your late night binges
A sad excuse for a human
Since that requires a heart
A soul
Which neither do you have
Since you have nothing to live for
Except that half empty bottle
Of Jack on the table
I would say it's half full