Friday, February 29, 2008

Colour me white with purity
Untainted with lust
Colour me orange with fascination
An obsession with you
A unhealthy fixation
Colour me pink with love
It's so strong that I can't contain it
Maybe I don't want to contain
Colour me yellow with cowardice
Too afraid to tell you
Too afraid they'll find out
Colour me green with jealousy
As she talks to you
And your attention is focused on her
Colour me red with anger
As you open your mouth
And tell lies
Colour me black with death
As a piece of my heart
Crumbles to it's extinction

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Sweet intoxication
Of flirtation
My aspiration
For communication
With my expectation
To transformation
With the situation
My imagination

Monday, February 25, 2008


It all started with a dream...
I was running
Sprinting really
No light in sight
Just the burn
Of my legs
And the pain
Of my
The rough ground
A voice in the distance CRIES
And I pause
Chest in flames
Lungs Aching
As I take
I know that voice
It's my own
Deep into the darkness
I awake
Not knowing
If I save myself
From the darkness


Let us dance tonight
For it will be the last
We will not remember tomorrow
What has happened this night
And you shall pass by
Without so much as a glance
And I shall do the same
To appease you
And your ego
No words will be spoken
No more feelings shared
Just an empty feeling
In the pit of our stomachs
And in our hearts
For all of eternity


Her fingertips trace my aura

I can feel it

Although she never makes contact

She says I have a good spirit

An old soul

She flips the cards

And speaks of my future




But eventual acceptance

And then

Only then

Will I be truly happy

She strikes a match beneath the paper

Let's it burn

That mark

That brown smudge is me

My life

In flames

Thursday, February 21, 2008


It's where the evil men are from
Those creatures of the night
The ones who steal innocence
And have no remorse
Yet they have the power
To make some of their victims
Still respect them
Stockholm syndrome?
All I know
Is he is from there
And that's why I'm afraid

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I want to dislike you
I want you to be an asshole
And I want me to notice it
I want to loathe you
I want you to be
A drug dealer, a felon, a racist skinhead
Anything to make me despise you
But you're not
You're kind
And funny
And respectful to me
And I unfortunately
Love you
But don't think I like it

Why do you have to be charming
Why do you have to be daring
Good looking
Why do you have to be kind
Why do you have to be thirty


Sweet memories fill my mind
Of that night
Making a point to talk to me
And to put your arm around me
To tell me you like how I acted
And you wanted to see more
That I was out of control
But in a good way
A way you've never seen before
You brought it up the next day
To prove you remembered, too
But now you forget
And I start from square one

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Are you aware that every single time I breathe, I can only muster up the air because of the glimmer of hope that we could be together one day? That you and I just might be soulmates and I have found you by chance along this twisted road that we call life? Are you aware that I only stir myself to wake because I might come across your path today? That by the off chance you might be in the area, for whatever reason, we could bump into eachother? Are you aware that the only reason I give a damn about my appearance, even in the slightest quotient, is because I might catch your attention by my outfit or the paint I shalack on my face? That maybe, just maybe, you might like what you see and do something about it? Are you aware that the words that come off your lips are imprinted in my heart, the good and the bad? That your words mean more to me than what anyone else thinks? Are you aware that every three minutes I think about you and the love that could be possible if you only knew? Are you aware of me?

You're vanity intrigues me
It's not confidence
It almost a sense of false bravado
It comes off as arrognace
Yet you're insecurities shine through
But you ignore them
You tell yourself
And others
That if you brag just enough
No one will see them
Including you
But I see them
I play the same game

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The other One

My eyes pleadingly look at him. They yell, "Pay attention to me!" But he directs his attention elsewhere, to the other one. Her long dyed hair swaying as she overemphasizes the dramedy that is her life, trying to squeeze a drop of pity from him. And, unsuprisingly, it works. He says he's sorry for her troubles and he laughs at her tales of being as legally close to a lady of the night as possible. What does he see in her? An easy ticket to between her legs, I'm assuming. Isn't that what most men strive for at one point in their lives or another? An easy lay? Maybe I'm being just a tad negative towards men but it's hard not to be when you're in love and he's in lust with the other one.

Friday, February 15, 2008


I have one on my forearm from the oven
And one on my thumb from the car door
One on each bicep from a bad reaction to medication
Too many to count on my knees
One on my big toe from a piece of glass
Three from surgery
Little ones all over from this or that
And then there is this one
The worst
It's the one you gave to me
The scar of where my heart broke

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I bend over
Or crouch down
And my knees crack
Softly at first but louder the further I go
I casually look up
No one noticed
Or if they did, they are being polite
I return to an upright position and they do the same
An elderly woman bends over
Or crouches down
Beside me
Her knees crack
I am old
At age 20

You tell me the tales of your drunken escapades
Those wasted weekend nights
I listen, intrigued and worried at the same time
They tell me I’m too good for you
You’re arrogant
An alcoholic
An atheist
A bad person
Bottom line: you have flaws
You’re not a bad person
You’re unique with your sense of humor
You genuinely care about others but are afraid to show it
I know that, they don’t
You’re not perfect
Neither am I
But I love your imperfections
Every last one of them

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sea O' Blah

Sun seeps into the room, between the slats on the plastic curtains
I stare, endlessy, at a computer screen clicking away
Erasing what I hate, those neverending cliches that are my life
Typing a more romantic version of what I want my life to be
But it all ends up the same
Complete and utter dribble in the highest sense
I take a time check: 1:35 PM
It's been four hours and I've managed to create a mockery to all of poetry
Heartache, it's so done along with yearning and obsession
I strive to be unique in an endless sea of blah
But I blend in with the other waves to be washed upon the shore
To die.. A cliche

Falling stars
Hurling towards the earth
People diving
Save those who look alike
Pray to your cross
Pray to your star
Pray to whatever you need to
No one is safe
Shall we once again?









To be












deep breaths
it aches but i do as i'm told
one more time
she says
i hear rattling
she says
one more time
my eyes water in pain
but i do as i'm told
one more time
she asks again
just one more time

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I talk to her for hours
Giving her a rose
I kiss my hand and put it on her stone
"Here lies Mary Fowler"
Here lies my guardian angel
My Grandmother

I watch as she fights. She eyes the boxes on the shelf, wanting them, needing them. She tries talking to me, never looking directly at me, keeping her eyes on those boxes. That sweet addiction. She craves it in her system. She smiles, with yellow teeth at me. "I think I might cave," she says, with a jerky glance at me that quickly returns to the boxes. I tell her to be strong and that she can do it. She bites her nails, trying to get that last tiny bit of nicotine from under them. Disgusted, I turn away, but I know addiction all too well and I know her pain. She'll probably buy a pack when she leaves, but at least I delayed her for a good half of an hour. I hope she doesn't give in to that sweet addiction.

The clock bounces off of the wall
As I sit in anticipation
Each second seems to go slower than the last
I drum my fingers on the hard desk top and wait
and wait
and wait
I will see you again in exactly six hours and forty-five minutes

Friday, February 1, 2008

2 AM

It's two a.m. and I'm still not asleep

I'm too busy thinking of you

Did you mean to brush my hand?

Or is that just something you do?

Or how about when our eyes locked

For those few moments in time

Was that just a mistake?

Your eyes staring at mine

Just like when you brushed against me

I felt your skin on my skin

I know this is all forbidden

We can't even let it begin

But a girl can dream, can't she?

No matter how wild or absurd

But how I wish, how I wish

This dream never occured